The Title Decision
Your Title has two primary purposes:
Attracting Attention & Being Found
Title Etiquette or Manners

How you write your title can have a big impact
on the number of visitors you will attract.
This is an image of an Ebay Listing with an exceptional title.
Above you will see an example of a well written title
Think of your Title as you would a Text Message on your phone.
Let's face it. None of us likes to be yelled at.
This person took a smart approach.
They chose to
Capitalize the First Letter and Lowercase the rest.
Save the CAPS for only extremely important details.
S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization)
S.E.O. is a fancy way of saying getting found by Ebay's crawler.
Image of The SEO Search Engine Optimazation Crawler Worm
Yes! Ebay has a crawler just like Google.
It crawls though all of listings on the Ebay site like a giant worm
& returns only the results that best match what you typed
in this familiar search box.
An Image of the Ebay Search Bar.
The Ebay Crawler looks at 3 things
when deciding on whether to show your listing or not.
1. Your Title
2. Categories You Have Listed Under
3. Item Specifics
For now lets focus on your Title.
We will address the others in the next steps.
This is an image of an Ebay Listing with an exceptional title.
That listing we saw before is a great example.
Here are a few key points to remember:
1. Focus on Information That Matters (Names, Dates, Specifics)
If you were looking for a specific item,
What would you type to get specific results?
2. Dont include meaningless words (the, and, that, etc)
Search engines place no value on these words. They waste your space.
3. Dont Overuse Punctuation
A single exclamation point cant hurt
when trying to grab attention, but several will just use up
your valuable space.
4. Use Your Research
You already spent the time Researching Your Item.
You know what has worked in the past.
Put that knowledge to use.