The Pricing Game
Starting Price
This can be a contraversial subject.
Many people believe in starting your auction at the lowest possible price
in order to attract more bidders.
This can be effective in some cases, however you need to be
prepared to sell your item for this price if you only get 1 bid.
Can you do that? If not. This is not a good fit.
The second option:
Fall back on your Research again.
Determine what your item has sold for in the past & what
those sellers started their auctions at.
What worked for them?
Most Importantly!
Make sure you are comfortable with your starting price
being your potential selling price.
Unless you have a Reserve in place, there is a
distinct possibility that this starting price will be your
final price.
Buy It Now
This feature has become very popular with buyers.
Not all buyers want to wait for your auction to end.
They are willing to pay a premium price to get your item now.
Determine what you feel is a very good price that you would be
extremely happy with & go for it.
Buy It Now is currently FREE but please check the Ebay website to confirm:
Ebay Standard Selling Fees
Things can change quickly at Ebay so stay on top of it.
Reserve Price
The Reserve Price allows you to set a minimum price
that must be met for your item to sell.
Current Pricing:
$3.00 for a Reserve Price under $149.99
2% of Reserve Price with a Maximum of $100
for a Reserve Price over $150.00
Please see Ebay Site directly for updates or changes.
Ebay Standard Selling Fees
Reserve Prices can work for you or against you.
Some buyers simply would rather not deal with it & move on.
We have found that setting your Starting Bid
at the price you need can be more effective.
This decision is in your hands.