Shipping Decisions
Domestic or International
This image is a map of the United States representing Domestic Shipping.
Domestic Shipping
~ Several Providers Available
~ Accurate Tracking Info
~ No Customs or Declarations
Domestic Shipping allows you to use commonly known providers such as
United States Postal Service, UPS (United Parcel Service), & Federal Express.
Each of these providers is able to provide you with detailed tracking
information which your customers will appreciate, but
will also protect you.
This image is a map of the United States representing Domestic Shipping.
International Shipping
~ More Potential Customers
~ Several Providers Available
~ Tracking Info is Not Always Optimal
~ Customs Paperwork Must Be Done
International Shipping allows you access to more potential customers,
However keep in mind that this is only on the Ebay US site.
Unless you specifically request listing in other countries, This is the default.
United States Postal Service, UPS (United Parcel Service), & Federal Express,
are available for your international shipping needs, but
Customs Forms must be submitted with shipment.
Tracking is available to several countries outside the United States,
but once the parcel leaves this country,
monitoring seems to become increasingly more difficult.
This can lead to problems with packages not arriving in a timely manor
as well as the occassional dishonest customer claiming
that it was never received.
Cover Your Costs, but Don't Take Advantage
This is an image of an ordinary cardboard box. It's purpose is to represent materials used in shipping preparation.
This is an image of a pile of styrofoam peanuts. It represents packing materials used in shipping.
This is an image of a roll of bubble wrap. It represents one of the items used in packing & shipping.
Shipping can be expensive.
There are several costs involved
that one must consider.
The box, packing materials, & some
carriers will assess a residential surcharge.
Make sure you include all your
costs in your shipping price.
Keep in mind.
Your customers may consider the cost of your shipping
versus that of your competitors.
They are looking for the best possible deal.
Doing a little bit of research here may come in handy.
Ebay's Shipping Tools
If you prefer to save some time
calculating or estimating your fixed shipping price
on your favorite providers web site,
Ebay offers some shipping assistance.
This is an image of the Ebay Shipping Form detailing what criteria is needed to auto calculate costs.
The image to the left
shows exactly what information
Ebay needs from you in order
to calculate shipping on your behalf.
~ Weight of Packaged Item
~ Dimensions of Box or Package
~ Type of Package
~ Shipping Provider You Prefer
Ebay will use this data as well as your customers location
to provide an accurate estimate for shipping costs.
At the close of your auction,
your invoice to your buyer will include this
calculated shipping cost automatically in the tabulation.
TurboLister is a FREE selling platform provided by Ebay.
It allows you many more flexibilities and options with your listings.
The shipping portion of Turbolister allows you to
include other details in your shipping such as handling charges.
It has been a key component of our listing process for many years.
Click Here to visit Ebay & have a look.