Policies & Protection
Buyer Requirements
Your Buyer Requirements can be found in the
Site Preferences section under your Account Tab.
without a
Paypal Account
This block only applies to
future listings
not your currently active ones.
It can be helpful in avoiding that
unique buyer who decides
that you are going to
accept their money order
whether your policies say so or not.
Buyers with
Unpaid Item Strikes
This is a very important block.
Ebay tracks buyers who
have a history of not paying
for the items they have bid on.
This block allows you the ability
to protect yourself from these
dishonest individuals.
in locations to which
I Don't Ship.
This is another important block.
You have already established
where you are willing to ship
your packages.
It only makes sense to
block a person from that location
from bidding.
Buyers with
Policy Violations Reports.
This can also be an effective block.
These buyers have repeatedly
broken the rules
which are in place to protect
us. The sellers.
A good example would be someone
who has run some sort of scam
in the past.
Buyers with a
Negative Feedback Score.
This block is pretty much useles.
Sellers are no longer able to
leave negative feedback for buyers.
It serves no purpose to use
this block.
Visit the Buyer Black List
in order to get some protection.
who may bid on
several of my items
and not pay for them.
This feature blocks buyers
who are in the process of
bidding on several of your items.
While this may protect you
from the occassional dishonest
buyer who does not intend to pay,
It may also discourage customers
who are simply honest collectors
or what not.
Don't allow
blocked buyers
to contact me.
This feature can be a gift & a curse.
Yes, it does stop certain buyers
who fail to meet your criteria from
contacting you.
It can also prevent you from making
a sale to a person that may
warrrant an exception.
Consider this one carefully.
Blocked Buyer List
Click Here if you would like to visit your Blocked Buyer List on Ebay
(You may have to log in to Ebay if you are not already)
This is an image of the Blocked Buyer List as part of a tutorial on how to properly fill out the form.
This list is a critical part of
selling on Ebay.
You currently have the ability to add
5000 User ID's.
If you have had a situation with
a particular buyer that could not be
solved amicably,
Their name probably belongs on
your list.
Some sellers choose to copy our entire Buyer Black List
& add it to their Blocked Buyer List.
This can be very effective in removing any Buyers that anyone
in our seller community has encountered problems with.
What we choose to do, is cross check our current active bidders
against the Buyer Black List to gauge if there are going to be any
potential problems.
At this point your auction is still live and you have
ability & right to cancel a bid at your discretion.
Buyer Requirement Exemption List
Click Here to visit your Buyer Requirement Exemption List.
(You may have to log in to Ebay if you are not already)
This is an image of the Ebay Buyers Exemption List. It is part of our tutorial.
On occassion,
A buyer may contact you &
inform you that they are not able
to bid on your item.
They will ask to be put on your list
so that they can bid.
It is easy enough to add them
to your Exemption List,
but should you?
Let's consider a few things.
This person has been blocked from bidding because they
failed to meet the buyer requirements.
Possible Scenarios:
1. They did not pay for the item that they bid on.
2. They have had policy violations from Ebay.
and depending on your settings, they may have done this several times.
We definitely want to think this through
and gather a little more info.
Feedback is no longer a good tool to judge buyers.
Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers,
so this does't help us.
The only real tools we have to help with this decision are they ones
we as sellers have created.
Our Buyer Black List.
This is a list of Buyers who have been problematic for sellers like us.
It also contains an explanation of what the problem was
& what to watch out for.
Of course the Buyer Black List only works if we all
report offenders as we encounter them.
In the end,
the decision is up to you.
A simple message back to the person telling them either
"You have been added to my list, good luck in the auction."
"I'm sorry, but we can't change our policy. Thank you for your interest."