Listing Upgrades
Scheduled Listings
Scheduled Listings allow you to plan in advance.
A good example would be if you had a collection of items
which you would like to start in close proximity to each other.
As of right now this service is currently FREE,
but always check the Ebay Price List to be certain.
Gallery Plus
Gallery Plus is a great resource which allows you a
larger image of your listing in Ebay's search results.
It is currently FREE for certain categories such as
Collectibles, Art, Pottery & Glass, & Antiques.
It does however carry a fee for other categories.
Listing Designer
Listing Designer allows you to improve the visual appeal
of your auction without having to write HTML.
There is a fee for this service.
Subtitles allow you the option of adding an additional line of info
beneath your listing title.
They can be effective if you have alot of
critical information you need to appear on the Search Page
but this feature can be very expensive.
There is a fee for this service.
Value Pack
The Value Pack has three features:
Gallery Plus, Listing Designer, & Subtitle
It is actually a good value compared to paying for each of these
upgrades individually.
If you decide that you want to utilize some listing upgrades,
this may be the cost effective way to go.
There is a fee for this service.
The Bold upgrade is very much like it sounds.
It allows you to Bold Face your Title.
This definitely does grab some attention while looking
through the search pages,
but it comes at a pretty hefty cost.
There is a fee for this service.
Listing In A 2nd Category
Listing your item in a second category has
the possibility of attracting new potentional views
form a person specifically searching that category.
Keep in mind.
The Ebay Search Engine utilizes
Title, Category, & Item Specifics
to find your listing.
If you have done a good job with your initial listing,
this feature can be kind of redundent.
Currently, an additional Insertion Fee applies
as well as Listing Upgrade Fees for EACH category.
There is a fee for this service.
International Site Visability
Your listing currently is shown on the Ebay US site.
This upgrade will allow you to show your listing
in multiple Ebay Sites around the world.
If you are prepared to ship internationally,
this may be a consideration for you.
There is a fee for this service.
Reserve Price
If you recall we touched on the Reserve Price in our Pricing Section.
The Reserve Price allows you to assign a
minimum price for your item to sell.
It can be a costly addition to your listing &
a similar result can be achieved by setting your
Starting Bid at the price you need.
There is a fee for this service.