Getting Paid
The Power of Paypal
This is an image of the Paypal Logo.
Paypal is by far the easiest & safest way to receive your money.
Ebay has come to this conclusion as well which is why
Paypal is the only unrestricted & unprohibited form of payment allowed.
Click Here to see Ebay's Payment Policies
It is simple enough to visit their website and
answer a few brief questions to set up your account.
Some of the benefits are:
This is an image of a pad lock representing the security of Paypal.
Safe & Secure Transactions
~ Wipe Out Those Bad Checks
~ Eliminates Fradulent Money Orders
~ Say Good Bye to that customer
who always claims
" I put it in the mail last week! "
This image shows how meticulous Paypal's process is.
Digital Transaction Trail
~ Proves the exact date & time
that the money arrived.
~ Protects you from anyone making
claims that you did not
handle the order in a timely fashion.
This is an image of a check box to represent the address verification portion of Paypal.
Address Verfication
~ Paypal verfies the address
against the national USPS
~ Ensures that your product is
going to the intended recipient
at a corrent physical address.
This is an image of some of the credit cards that Paypal accepts payment through.
Payment Options
~ Paypal offers many ways
for your customers to fund
their account.
~ Some of these methods include
Mastercard, Visa, American Express,
Discover, E-Check, & More.
This is an image of two people shaking hands as if making a deal.
Flawless Integration
~ When you take action in Paypal,
it is reflected in Ebay.
( & Vice Versa )
~ When payment is received,
Ebay automatically notates it
in your listing.
Getting Paid couldn't be any easier !
This image is of an hour glass and represents time.
Limit your Waiting Period
~ Don't make the mistake
of just waiting for your customers
to pay at their convenience.
~ Establish a standard
which you expect to be met.
~ Example: 2 days, 3 days, etc.
Taking this step makes a very clear statement to your customers.
It tells them that you have expectations,
& that you expect them to be met.
Certain situations may come up which may require
some flexibility to resolve, but setting this standard
forces them to communicate with you.
Communication is always the key.