Duration of Your Auction
How Long Should I Make My Auction?
Ebay's current available options are:
1 3 5 7 10
1 & 3 Day Auctions
These durations should be reserved for certain circumstances
where your timing is limited & you have no other options.
They are not ideal for attracting the maximum number of bidders.
Buy It Now should definitely be used in this case.
5 Day Auction
The 5 day auction is not a bad option when you have
missed something or were not able to finish in time for a
7 day listing.
Not ideal for attracting maximum bidders, yet far better than 1 or 3 days.
7 Day Auction
This is absolutely the optimal choice for a listing period.
It allows your potential bidders a full week to locate you
& prepare for the final hour of bidding.
10 Day Auction
This duration can be a good option if you have an unique item
& are looking to attract interest from a very limited audience.
Some bidders prefer a shorter period, but it is not a major issue.
The Real Key
is choosing the right
Day & Time
To End Your Auction!
We will get into that shortly.