Describing Your Item
"Be Honest"
Your prospective customers are interested in your item.
Your pictures look great.
But now you need to earn their trust
so that they will feel more comfortable bidding on your auction
instead of your competitors.
This is achieved through being honest.
Share every detail you can.
Whether it is good or bad.
Try to follow a negative with a strong positive if possible.
This Antique Dueling Sword is in Excellent condition.
The detail on the ornate brass handle is exceptional.
I did notice some very light surface rust
on the left side of the blade,
but the original etchings are still clear and well defined.
By pointing out the tiny flaws, it proves that you have integrity.
No item is absolutely perfect & most people don't expect it to be.
Especially if it is a collectible which is quite a few years old.
Layout & Design
Ebay is kind enough to give us an option.
We can either type our description into the listing box provided,
We can use our own HTML code to spice things up a bit.
Personally, I think that the code is a far better option.
By utilizing a few basic coding tips,
we can change many elements of our listing including:
Font Family: ABC, DEF, GHI
Font Size: ABC, DEF, GHI
Font Weight: ABC, DEF
Text Color: ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO
Text Decoration: ABC
& many more qualities. offers a great online tutorial FREE of charge.
There are also some great resources available through Amazon.
Remember Your Research
Guess What!
Remember that research we did earlier?
Other past sellers of your particular item
may know a few more details about your item
than you currently know.
Wouldn't it be great to be able to include a few more facts
& a little more history for your customers?
Just be careful to verify this new information.
Just because another seller wrote it doesn't make it true.