Communication Is Key
Congrats! You're Item Has Sold. You're Doing A Great Job.
Keep All Communications Through Ebay's Interface
This is one of the most important rules you can follow.
Keeping all of your communications through the
Ebay Interface allows you to have a
consistant track record of every step of your transaction
with each buyer.
Why is this important?
Key Reason:
If anything goes wrong,
you now have proof that you have done everything in your
power to ensure a smooth transaction with your buyer.
Your Feedback & Reputation as a seller remain intact.
You have Ebay in your corner.
Ebay's Manage Communication With Buyers Resource
Click Here if you would like to visit Your Ebay Communication Resource.
(Your may have to log into Ebay if you are not already)
This is an image of the Manage Communcation with Buyers Resource provided by Ebay.
Manage Communication with Buyers
system is a tremdous tool that
we as sellers have at our disposal.
Check it out & decide what options
suit you best.
This image is part of the Manage Communications with Buyers Tool from Ebay. It depicts a sample of the initial email that is sent out on your behalf at the close of the auction.
The Buyer Success Email
congratulates your
buyer on winning the auction.
It also informs them
that the next step is to pay
for their item.
This image is of the Order Confirmation Email within Ebay's Communications tool with Buyers.
The Order Confirmation Email
reaches out to your buyer & says
thank you.
It then directs them to the
Orders Details
page within their
MyEbay Portal.
This is an image of the Payment Reminder Letter that Ebay will send out on your behalf if you choose.
The Payment Reminder Email
is a notification that Ebay
will send out on your behalf
if you indicate it in your settings.
This is your decision, but it can
certainly help with an
unresponsive buyer.
This is an image of the notification which Ebay will send out on your behalf telling your customer that their item has shipped.
The Order Update
is sent to your buyer
as soon as your item has
As soon as you input
the tracking number for this
item, your buyer will receive this
This is an image of the Feedback Reminder Notification.
The Feedback Reminder
is a notification
that Ebay will send out on your
It simply stresses the
importance of leaving feedback
and how to go about doing so.
This tool is a tremendous resource at your disposal.
Take some time to check it out & familiarize yourself.
On Occassion, a Buyer may request a total if they have purchased
several of your items.
This will allow you to use your invoice tool to offer them
a combined shipping rate.
This type of thing will go a long way in earning repeat buyers.
All of your actions & communication can be handled
through your My ebay Portal
This is an image indicating where to click in order to access your My Ebay Portal.
Don't be afraid to reach out to your buyers
to add that personal touch.
We often will send a message at the close of the auction to
each of our customers simply saying:
"Thank you for your purchase.
It has been our pleasure doing business with you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any questions or concerns.
Thank you again. "
A simple gesture can go a long way in building
a long term relationship with your buyers.